Transforming data into actionable evidence

Supporting countries to make informed health care decisions.

Girls using a computer at the Za’atari Refugee Camp in Jordan

Data Analytics is the practice of collecting, exploiting, harnessing and managing data to transform it into actionable evidence that allows decisions makers to take the best course of action.

This area is critical for countries to develop needs-driven, beneficiary-centred and cost-efficient strategies capable of leveraging supply chain assets, operations and enablers with a view to increasing the coverage, equity and access of health products and services to children in need.

UNICEF has a wealth of data analysis tools, techniques and methodologies which can be deployed to support countries in improving their information-systems and decision-making capacity. Among those, the UNICEF Supply Chain Maturity Model allows countries and partners to identify supply chain gaps and investment needs.

Guiding investments

The findings of the Maturity Model, which was deployed in twenty-nine countries since 2019 across multiple health programmes, have enabled countries to guide investments needs and shape evidence-driven planning. Read how the Government of Malawi used the tool to shape its first strengthening roadmap and bridge the gap in access to nutrition supplies and essential medicines.

UNICEF has been leading efforts to develop planning tools with partners cross-partner health systems strengthening and coordination mechanisms to increase the investment planning capacity of development partners and inform their technical assistance as they support countries in upgrading their health systems. For more information, please visit our System digitalization planning and investment portal, System Strengthening Management Interface and Immunization Country Profile dashboard.