World Summit for Children
Child survival, protection and development in the 1990s.
In September 1990, the largest gathering of world leaders ever to assemble at the United Nations attended the World Summit for Children. Led by 71 heads of state and 88 senior government officials, this was the first occasion in history when a Summit-level meeting was held exclusively to address children’s issues.
The World Summit for Children was a landmark event, not only for UNICEF, but for the world and especially for its children.
First Call for Children: World Declaration and Plan of Action from the World Summit for Children
“This booklet contains the text of these historic documents...In committing themselves to pursue these goals, the leaders of the world have agreed to be guided by the principle of a 'first call for children' -- a principle that the essential needs of children should be given high priority in the allocation of resources, in bad times as well as in good times, at national and international as well as at family levels."