Resources on the Sustainable Development Goals
Access key resources on UNICEF and the SDGs, including tools to engage children and implementation guidance for countries.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a landmark global call for action to achieve peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Discover in our tools and resources how the Goals speak to the rights of children and young people.
Guidance on implementing the SDGs for and with children
Cross-cutting issue briefs on child rights and the SDGs
The following cross-cutting issue briefs are produced annually in the lead-up to the SDG Voluntary National Reviews, which are country-led reviews of progress. The briefs cover policy recommendations, monitoring guidelines, social spending priorities, and opportunities to strengthen child and youth participation in SDG processes.
- Investing in Children, Adolescents and Youth
- Monitoring the Situation of Children, Adolescents and Youth
- Linking Child Rights and the SDGs
- Including Children, Adolescents and Youth
- Business, Children and the SDGs
The Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs
The Group of Friends (GoF) of Children and the SDGs is a 71-member-state advocacy group committed to mobilizing and coordinating support for children’s rights within key intergovernmental processes. The GoF is an action-oriented body delivering on specific asks and requests for children at the highest intergovernmental decision-making level in addition to raising awareness.
The GoF formed in 2015 in the lead-up to the intergovernmental negotiations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development. Following the adoption of those agendas, there was consensus within the Group to continue its advocacy to ensure that children’s rights and well-being remain at the center of intergovernmental discussions and decision-making (e.g., High-Level Political Forum, SDG Summit, COP, CRC30, Global Compact on Migration, World Humanitarian Summit, etc.).
The GoF has convened and discussed thematic issues of importance to children including future generations, early childhood development, child protection, migration, among others. Members of the Group contribute during the open floor discussions by sharing good practices, advocacy ideas, and engaging with guest speakers especially child and youth advocates. Participation at the highest (Ambassadorial) level is always encouraged to ensure cross-dissemination between the meeting discussions, intergovernmental negotiations and discussions in member state capitals.
Membership in the GoF is open and inclusive. Member States interested in joining the GoF need only address a letter to any of the three co-chairs’ expressing their interest. (Please see below the current list of members to the Group).
- Co-Chairs: The GoF is co-chaired by the Permanent Representatives of Bulgaria, Jamaica, and Luxembourg who lead the agenda-setting process and discussions across the quarterly meetings of the Group. The Co-Chairs are personally committed to champion children’s affairs, mobilize Member States to garner cross-regional support, and convene meetings.
- Secretariat: UNICEF serves as the Secretariat for the GoF by (i) assisting the Co-Chairs with the preparation of the agenda and organization of all meetings and side events, (ii) supporting requests for additional information, and (iii) keeping the institutional record of the meetings. As requested by Group members, UNICEF also provides briefings in technical areas that are relevant to children for their general advocacy during intergovernmental negotiations.
Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, European Union* (observer), Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea (Republic of), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Lesotho, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Türkiye, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay
Statements made by the GoF:
November 2024: Statement on behalf of 69 Members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs on the 35th Anniversary of the CRC
November 2024: Statement on behalf of 65 Members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs at COP29
September 2024: Statement on behalf of 67 Members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs at the Summit of the Future
November 2022: Statement on behalf of 64 Members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs Delivered at COP27
November 2021: Statement on behalf of 61 Members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs Delivered at COP26
April 2020: Protect Our Children: Response to the UN Secretary-General’s Call on Countries to Prioritize Children’s Education, Food, Health and Safety amid the COVID-19 Pandemic (Initiative launched by the EU, GRULAC and Members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs)
Highlights: Advancing the SDGs at the United Nations Processes
2022 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) from a Child & Youth Perspective
In partnership with Nord Anglia Education, five students ages 15-17 covered several panels of the HLPF.
2021 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) from a Child & Youth Perspective
In partnership with Nord Anglia Education, five students ages 15-17 covered the first week of panels of the HLPF.
High-level week 2019: Action for People and Planet
Priorities that world leaders discussed at five summits during the United Nations General Assembly this year to accelerate progress on sustainable development.
Tools to educate and engage children and youth on the SDGs
The World's Largest Lesson
Bring the SDGs to the classroom! Through a set of free and translated lessons, animations and activities, students can participate in the World's Largest Lesson to learn about the SDGs and identify actions they can take to make the goals a reality in their own lives and communities.
Comics Uniting Nations
Comics Uniting Nations works with world-renown comic book artists and storytellers to bring the SDGs to life through comics. Co-founded by PCI Media Impact, Reading with Pictures and UNICEF, the current library of comics has reached 20 books and counting.
Youth Activate Talks: Young People Take the Stage
Youth Activate Talks bring young change-makers to the stage both to inspire young people to take action and to showcase to decision-makers the ways that young people are already supporting the Goals. This how-to guide explores ways to engage children and young people with an 'Activate Talk' format.
The Road to the SDGs: A Discussion with Students
This animated video helps children to learn about important concepts for people and the planet, as covered in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also available (subtitles) in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish and English (for hearing impaired).
The World We Want: A Guide to the Goals for Children and Young People
A child-friendly overview of all the SDGs.
Perspectives on the SDGs
A Million Voices: The World We Want
With perspectives from over one million voices, this report depicts the unprecedented level of people's participation in designing the SDGs.
A Post-2015 Agenda Understood by and Inspiring to Children and Young People
Children and young people express their views in a global e-consultation about the SDGs.
COVID-19, Climate Change & Environmental Degradation: Key Asks for Public Sector Partners
This document provides recommendations for a long-term response to the pandemic that invests in at-scale sustainable and inclusive processes and practices.
Research: Why the SDGs matter for children
Mapping the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
An interactive document to explore the links between the Global Goals for sustainable development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Investing in All Children: Towards Equitable, Inclusive and Sustainable Development
Originally published in the Harvard International Review, this article focuses on children's education and engagement on the SDGs as a key step to promote equitable, inclusive and sustainable development for all.
Your Rights, Your World: The Power of Youth in the Age of the Sustainable Development Goals
This report identifies examples and make recommendations for engaging children and young people in the implementation of the SDGs.