Facing COVID-19 with resilience: boosting evidence-based learning and adjusting evaluation in times of pandemic
UNICEF completed the youth-accompanied Kosovo Programme Evaluation (KPE) to inform programme implementation for the upcoming five years.
The UNICEF Kosovo Office completed its Programme Evaluation for the 2016-2020 cycle Commissioned and managed by the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) in collaboration with the Kosovo Office, its implementation was advised and supported by the Evaluation Reference Group (ERG), co-chaired by UNICEF and the Office of Good Governance/Prime Minister Office. The ERG included representatives of Kosovo Institutions, CSOs, donors and other stakeholders.
In response to the unprecedented situation created with COVID-19, the evaluation methodology was adjusted, shifting to a fully remote approach, and utilizing alternative means for data collection, such as Skype, Viber, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, phone calls and Survey Monkey. The high degree of internet penetration among targeted stakeholders and the nature of the evaluation questions enabled the success of this fully virtual approach. The evaluation team interviewed 121 stakeholders, conducted 32 focus group discussions, and collected information from 486 young people for the tracer study questionnaire.