Digital Learning Landscape in the western Balkans

A policy analysis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and North Macedonia

A 7 year-old girl works on homework
UNICEF/UNI321762/Oleksii Filippov


This policy analysis examines regional and national policy and normative documents, and existing literature related to digital learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. The report captures the state of the education recovery after the COVID-19 school closures and explores trends, promising practices, challenges, and gaps in digital learning systems and policies. The purpose of the report is to support government partners in the development of national digital learning policies, plans and roadmaps. The preliminary findings from this research have been instrumental in shaping the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Digital Learning Strategy for 2022-2025.

1 All references to Kosovo shall be understood in the context of UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

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Svetlana Poleschuk
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