Youth engagement

A world where young people can create their futures

Adolescents girls and boys sit at a table with microphones

UNICEF Innocenti envisions a world where adolescents and young people are fully engaged in the decision-making processes that affect their lives and futures. It is a vision in which young people have the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to shape their destinies and create a more prosperous, peaceful and sustainable future for all. 

Achieving this vision will require a global effort. At UNICEF Innocenti, we start with a commitment to listening to young people and taking what they have to say to heart. On this foundation, we work to systematically integrate their expertise, experiences and perspectives into our research, foresight and convening. Our goal is to open a path for young people to inform and change the research and foresight we do at UNICEF Innocenti. Some of the ways we are realizing this vision include:  

  • Establishing a global youth network 
  • Providing platforms for young people’s voices to be heard in our reports, participatory research and foresight analysis 
  • Designing youth-led programmes with future and foresight practitioners 
  • Co-creating UNICEF's Leading Minds conference series with young people

A key element of our youth engagement work is the UNICEF youth fellowships. These intensive programmes provide young people with resources, training and support as they hone their skills in futures thinking, leadership and communication. They provide young people a chance to collaborate with UNICEF and peers around the world to advocate for the future they want to create.  

See all of our youth engagement work