Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for NGOs, philanthropic organizations and universities

Get standard texts for Memorandum of Understanding, which are necessary to govern relationships between UNICEF and a Procurement Services partner.


To be valid, the relationship between UNICEF and a Procurement services partner must be governed by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). A MoU is a legal document which sets the terms, conditions and operational rules applying to a contract to be entered under the MOU. The MOU outlines UNICEF Procurement Services processes and sets out the Terms and Conditions for individual transactions.

The standard text is available in English, French and Spanish.

Guidance for preparing the Memorandun of Understanding (MOU):

  • Review the MOU, making sure the correct template is being used
  • Replace all the grey-shaded fields throughout the document with the correct information. If you represent an NGO, please remember to enter a short description of your organization on page two of the MOU in the section naming the parties.
  • Print out two copies of the contract and sign both.
  • Submit both original signed copies to the UNICEF Country Office Representative or directly to UNICEF Procurement Services for approval and subsequent signature.
  • Once approved, a signed copy will be returned to the partner for their records.
  • Please note that any changes to the standard MOU template will require the clearance from the Director of Supply Division prior to signature.


For further information on UNICEF Procurement Services, please contact us.