Annexes to the Supply Annual Report 2021
Access detailed data on UNICEF global procurement in 2021, including information on location, value, supplier, category and destination of supplies and services.”
The document contains five annexes divided as follows:
Annex 1
UNICEF procurement by country/area and US$ value, aggregating local, country-to-country and international procurement.
Annex 2
UNICEF procurement by country/area, supplier and category, giving separate US$ values for local, country-to-country and international procurement (orders with a combined value of over US$100,000).
Annex 3A
Destination countries/areas for UNICEF procured commodities, aggregating local, country-to-country and international procurement. Countries/areas where total value is below $1,000 have been excluded.
Annex 3B
UNICEF countries/areas where services were used, aggregating local, country-to-country and international procurement. Countries where total value is below $1,000 have been excluded
Annex 4
Number of companies invited to bid by UNICEF Supply Division and the number of responses received by country/area.