A Climate Landscape Analysis for Children
The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis

Children in Kosovo face one of the greatest exposure to these climatic extremes, whilst also having some of the highest vulnerabilities in Europe due to poverty. Around 23% of children in Kosovo are living under the nationally poverty line, meaning they lack access to safe water, adequate housing, clean energy and other essential services. These children are even more exposed and vulnerable to climate and environment-related hazards, suchas extreme heat, storms and pollution.
The Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC) outlines the latest evidence on key climate and environment-related hazards, and their impacts on Kosovo’s children. It also outlines targeted measures to safeguard them from climate and environment-related hazards. Developed in close consultation and collaboration with the Government, local partners, and most importantly, with children and young people themselves, the CLAC incorporates their lived experiences and suggestions for future actions. It is designed to serve as a critical resource for UNICEF and its partners, providing the evidence needed to foster meaningful and united action in the fight against climate change.