Assistance to migrants in the state border area

UNICEF has been helping vulnerable migrant and refugee families in the state border area in partnership with the Red Cross and in coordination with UNHCR and IOM since November

Сотрудники БКК и Юнисеф привезли помощь в приграничную зону
UNICEF Belarus/2021
10 December 2021

On November 19, we donated the first batch of blankets, mattresses, warm clothes and footwear, as well as other essentials.

Дети мигранты рисуют, сидя в куртках среди коробок с помощью Юнисеф
UNICEF Belarus/2021

On December 7, we delivered 600 more hygiene kits for families to the crisis centre, including 100 kits for children under 2 years old, as well as 400 developmental kits for children of various ages. 

US Dollars 50,000+ in aid has been disbursed so far with the help of the Red Cross volunteers who have permanent access to the border zone. We are ready to scale up the assistance and we are assessing the current needs.

коробки с посощью Юнисеф в палатке
UNICEF Belarus/2021