Child Protection in Rwanda
A situation analysis

Every child without distinction by gender or any other characteristic has the right to grow up free from
violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and harmful practices. This right is embedded in the Convention on
the Rights of the Child (CRC) and multiple Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. For example, SDG
target 16.2 commits the international community to “end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of
violence against children”; target 5.2 to “eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls”; and SDG
targets 16.9 and 17.19 are intended to ensure that all children have their births registered.
Rwanda’s child protection system is currently developing and strengthening. Considerable efforts have
been made to strengthen key pillars of the child protection system. However, more needs to be done
as the system solidifies and progresses, to provide an ecosystem of support, care and protection for all
children in Rwanda.