The voice of children and young people

Young people bring new solutions and innovative ideas

mlada djevojka iz publike koja postavlja pitanje na javnoj raspravi

Together with children and young people, we write, record, create, advocate, talk and discuss how their voices, opinions, and positions might best be heard far and wide. Informed, proactive, and educated young people who think for themselves are of great value to any society. Young people discover new solutions and come up with innovative ideas. Therefore, UNICEF works on programmes that enable young people to express their opinions, be creative, and learn how to contribute to their society, for the wellbeing of all.

The Children’s Rights Festival

The Children’s Rights Festival, held for the first time in 2009, gathers thousands of children and young people from all over Croatia. It is a festival that celebrates and promotes creativity through films by children and young people, but also through the films of adult film makers who promote the rights of children and young people.


Secondary school students gain an opportunity to exchange opinions about various topics through debate. The Children’s Rights Festival is the first and only wholly inclusive festival in Croatia: all titles are adapted for persons with vision or hearing impairments, while participation is completely free, because we want the cultural content to be available to everyone.

Voices of Youth

Voices of Youth is UNICEF’s global blogging platform intended for young people who want to change the world.  The best young bloggers from all over the world offer a fresh, innovative view of topics that interest them. Amongst them are xyz from Croatia (mention the young people who wrote blogs) who became involved with their stories in which they write about climate change, what they expect from political leaders, and the migrant crisis.

Do you hold a position on something? Do you want to become involved, improve your blogging skills and cooperate with bloggers from around the world? Register! All information is available at!

Youth ambassadors

Famous musicians, actors, athletes and other UNICEF goodwill ambassadors help to relay the voices of children and young people who are denied their rights, and transmit the message about the importance of respecting children’s rights. They include David Beckham, Katy Perry, Millie Bobby Brown, Leo Messi, Novak Đoković, Serena Williams, Shakira, Orlando Bloom and others.

UNICEF-ov ambasador dobre volje David Beckham nasmiješio se Sripunu (15) u njenoj kući u Semarangu u Indoneziji
26. svibnja 2016. u Vijetnamu, ambasadorica dobre volje UNICEF-a Katy Perry pomaže u mjerenje visine djeteta u općinskom zdravstvenom centru Phuoc Thanh u provinciji Ninh Thuan.
165/5000 UNICEF je na Svjetski dan djeteta 20. studenog 2018. u New Yorku imenovao glumicu nominiranu za Emmyja Millie Bobby Brown svojom najmlađom ambasadoricom dobre volje.
Cindy Ord Getty Images;
 240/5000 27. svibnja 2019. godine izvan Beire, Mozambik, veleposlanik dobre volje UNICEF-a Orlando Bloom posjetio je s Loginom Jona, pet mjeseci, i njenu majku Soniju Paulo Jona raseljenu pod utjecajem nedavnih ciklona i koja sada živi u mjestu preseljenja Mutua.

The "Get It Right!" game

On the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UNICEF Office for Croatia published a computer game “Get It Right!!”. It is the first game that can also be played by blind persons and the visually impaired. UNICEF invites you to play and to embark on a fun journey through the rights that belong to you and to all other children in the world. Discover why these rights are so important, what the difference is between needs and desires, what kind of rights exist, and much more. Find out at!

Convention on the rights of the child

All children are born with the freedoms and rights that belong to all human beings. In 1989, by adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the world promised to ensure equal rights as well as the opportunity for all children to fulfil their potential. Every girl and every boy in the world have the right to education, healthcare, food, accommodation, play, protection and many other things. Children’s rights protect children and encourage respect amongst children and adults.


If you feel that someone is violating your rights, you can file a complaint to the UN. More information on when and how to do so is available in a short brochure for children, teenagers and organisations engaged in children’s rights.


Your questions on the Convention on the Rights of the Child answered

History of child rights

Full text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child