Feeding your baby: 1–2 years

Your child can now eat the same food as the rest of the family.

Feeding your baby: 1–2 years

At 1 year old, your child is learning to eat on their own. They can chew food as well as you can, so they can eat the same foods as the rest of the family.

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In brief: Feeding your child at 1–2 years

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At 1 year, solid foods – including healthy snacks – are now your child’s main source of energy and nutrition.

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Your child can take between three quarters to one cup of food three to four times a day, plus one to two snacks between meals.

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Continue breastfeeding as much as your child wants, until at least 2 years old.

no junk food icon

Avoid junk food and soft drinks.

At this age, breastmilk still provides important nutrition and protection against disease, but other foods become your child's main source of nutrition and energy. Feed your child other foods first and then breastfeed after if they are still hungry.

What to feed your child

Your child can eat anything, so you can give them some of all the food your family eats and make every bite count. Each meal needs to be packed with nutritious food.

Be sure your child has a portion of animal foods (milk, dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry) each day. Cook them well and chop or mash them into fine pieces. Babies can eat well-cooked and finely chopped or mashed eggs, meat and fish even if they don’t have teeth. Your child should also have legumes (like chickpeas, lentils or peas) – or nuts (make sure they're crushed, ground or a smooth nut butter), and orange or green vegetables and fruits every day. Add a little oil or fat to their food for energy.

Be sure your child’s snacks are healthy, such as fresh fruit.

How much food and how often

Your child can take between three quarters to one cup of food three to four times a day, plus one to two snacks between meals.

If you’re not breastfeeding, then your child will need to eat more often.

At 1 year, about the time children start to walk, your child's feeding schedule should include four to five meals a day, plus two healthy snacks. Milk products are a very important part of your child’s diet – give them one or two cups of milk a day.

Foods to avoid

Avoid junk food and soft drinks. Factory-made snacks like crisps, cookies, cakes, soda and candy are unhealthy. They have high amounts of sugar, salt, fat and chemicals, and take up space in your child’s stomach that should be filled with nutritious foods.

Mealtime tips

Having their own bowl of food will help your child learn to feed themselves. Start as soon as your child wants. Give them all the food they need and plenty of time to eat. 

At first, your child will be slow and messy. Help them to get most of the food in their mouth (instead of on themself or the floor!). Encourage your child to finish it and make sure they have had enough. 

Give your child lots of love and encouragement to eat during meal times.

Sit in front of your child and make eye contact. Interact by smiling, talking and praising them for eating.

Make the meal a happy time!

What to do when your child refuses to eat solid foods

Make sure your child is hungry at mealtimes and has not just had a snack. Although breastfeeding continues to be healthy for your child, breastfeed them only after their meal. At this age, they should eat solid food first. 

Give your child healthy food that they like or mix the food they like with food they don't like as much. Try different food combinations and textures.

If they still refuse, don’t force or pressure your child to eat, and don’t be tempted to give them junk food instead.

Be calm and accepting. Give your child positive attention when they do eat, but don’t make it a problem when they don't eat. Just take the food away, cover it, and offer it to them again a bit later.