Child Protection in Emergency (CPiE)
Regional training in Bayan-Ulgii and Umnugobi provinces
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- Mongolian
The first-ever regional training on “Child Protection in Emergency (CPiE)’’ was organized for Child Protection Rapid Response team members of the Western region in Bayan-Ulgii on 17 and 18 May and for the Gobi region in UmnuGobi on 24 and 25 May 2023. A total of 100 team members from 12 provinces and over 50 school children attended the training and disaster simulation exercise.
The training content on how to develop disaster preparedness planning was extremely significant to me. And after the training, we learned the effective way of collaboration and coordination. Also, we learned a lot from the children too.
The aim of the training was to enhance participants’ competency in implementing CPiE operational framework, “Standard MNS6948:2021 on child protection during disasters and emergencies, general principles and common requirements for interdisciplinary cooperation” and to increase inter-agency and inter-sectoral coordination in CPiE preparedness and response. It was a particularly effective activity due to the practice with the participation of children.
It was quite a new experience for me to sit with adults in the same training room and discuss this important issue. We were listened to and well-respected during the whole activity. I felt encouraged that the children are contributors rather than just receivers.
With a rights-based approach, UNICEF encourages a rights-based approach, especially, in emergency preparedness and response.