What we do
UNICEF is the global leader promoting and protecting children’s rights in 190 countries, including Moldova.

How we are supporting child rights in Moldova
About Us
UNICEF has been working for the realization of the rights of children and women of Moldova since 1995. Partnerships with the government, parliamentarians, civil society, media, business and others have resulted in advances in the realization of children’s rights in a number of areas and the increased commitment of duty bearers to the fulfillment of their obligations as per the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). UNICEF’s work addresses issues of all children in the country to improve their health, education, development, and protection.
During its current Country Programme, UNICEF aims to build, jointly with partners, on past successes to ensure that all children have access to basic services; that all children grow up in a caring and loving family; obtain a quality education, and develop to the best of their potential.
UNICEF supports both the government and civil society to ensure social inclusion of children and their families who are at risk of exclusion due to geographic disparities, poverty, ethnicity, disability, gender, and lack of parental care.