Madagascar CASH in emergency principles

To improve and strengthen the coordination of social protection interventions, particularly cash transfers in response to emergencies

A man carrying a bucket wades through a flooded area in the city of Morondava


The following are agreed principles in all future/new cash in emergency responses.

Partners ensure that:

  1. A regulatory framework of the cash working group is in place for the implementation of emergency cash transfer interventions.
  2. Sharing of information at all stages of the planning, implementation and monitoring of cash transfers is done within the cash group and with the Ministry in charge of social protection.
  3. Joint analyses are conducted of the context and possible integrated interventions during the phases of preparation, planning, response, monitoring, evaluation, and communication of cash interventions in coordination with respective national agencies.
  4. A manual of harmonized procedures is developed and implemented with respect to the amounts of transfers, targets, and coordination with other interventions.
  5. A standard framework for monitoring of national/regional programs is developed and regularly utilized to share information to build a common information system and national registry.
  6. A common and harmonized communication strategy at institutional and community levels is implemented systematically within programs.
  7. Joint advocacy is developed for the new cash programs to mobilize resources for cash interventions and reduce operational costs of the cash programs.
  8. Linkages and coordination between national, regional and local levels and at the inter-ministerial level is strengthened among all cash responses.
  9. Cash programs are evaluated and joint multi-partner assessments are considered.
  10. Linkages between overall emergency interventions and development-oriented and resilience-building programs are reinforced. In particular, emergency cash should seek to contribute to medium- and longer-term resilience efforts.
  11. All principles be adopted through memoranda of understanding among all relevant stakeholders and this agreement to be part of a common commitment.


Les principes sur les modalités des transferts monétaires en Urgence à Madagascar
CASH Group, UNICEF Madagascar, MPPSPF
Publication date
French, English

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