First regular session 2016

2-4 February 2016

Session documents

Opening of the session 
Item 1 
Opening statement of the President of the Executive Board 
Opening statement of the Executive Director of UNICEFEN        
Organizational and procedural matters 
Item 2  
Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Executive Board for 2016 (E/ICEF/2016/2) EN FR ES             
Item 3  
Adoption of the provisional annotated agenda, timetable and organization of work (E/ICEF/2016/1/Rev.2)                EN FR ES
Programme and policy matters 
Item 4  
Oral report on UNICEF follow-up to recommendations and decisions of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Programme Coordinating Board meetings (UNICEF/2016/EB/2)EN FR ES
Item 5  
Oral update on UNICEF humanitarian action 
Item 6  
UNICEF programme cooperation 
(a) Country programme documents 
The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks
(in final or draft form) are available on the UNSDG website, and are accessible
from Executive Board session documents page:
executive-board-documents-sessions and/or from the respective country pages:
Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States 
Azerbaijan (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.1)EN FR ES 
Eastern and Southern Africa 
Ethiopia (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.2)EN FR ES 
United Republic of Tanzania (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.3)EN FR ES
Latin America and Caribbean 
Argentina (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.4)EN FR ES
Uruguay (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.5)EN FR ES
Middle East and North Africa 
Iraq (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.6)EN FR ES
Syrian Arab Republic (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.7)EN FR ES
(b) Extensions of ongoing country programmes (E/ICEF/2016/P/L.8)EN FR ES
Evaluation, audit and oversight matters 
Evaluation report and management response 
Item 7  
Plan for global thematic evaluations, 2014–2017: review and update for 2016-2017 (E/ICEF/2016/3)EN FR ES
Available through the UNICEF evaluation website: 

Increasing access and equity in early childhood education in the CEE/CIS region, and a management response
Resource, financial and budgetary matters 
Item 8 
UNICEF Financial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 Dec 2014 and Report of the Board of Auditors (A/70/5/Add.3)EN FR ES
Implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors contained in its reports on the United Nations funds and programmes for the year ended 31 December 2014 - Report of the Secretary-General (A/70/338/Add.1)EN FR ES                          
Financial reports and audited financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors for the period ended 31 December 2014 - Report of the ACABQ (A/70/380)EN FR ES
Item 9 
UNICEF resource mobilization strategy (UNICEF/2016/EB/3)EN FR ES
Item 10 
Private Fundraising and Partnerships: 2016 workplan and proposed budget (E/ICEF/2016/AB/L.1)EN FR ES                              
Other matters and adoption of draft decisions 
Item 11 
Other matters                         
Item 12 
Adoption of draft decisions 
Item 13 
Closing statements by the Executive Director of UNICEF and the President of the Executive Board