7 ways to improve the quality of air at home

Enjoy fresh air at home with these tips from UNICEF and Austrian Development Agency

Տան բույսի տերևենրը ցողում են ջրով։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan
05 June 2020
Care for air purifying plants

Not only do they brighten the home, but plants also clean your air!

Indoor air pollution is caused by toxic emissions from synthetic building materials and other pollutants and is exacerbated by a lack of circulation. Plants absorb these toxins, produce oxygen, and increase humidity. Make sure you have enough plants in big spaces. View guidelines on best air-filtering plants


Տախտակի վրա կիտրոն են կտրտում։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan
Clean your windows with lemon juice and water

Lemons are high in citric acid, which makes them one of the most effective natural cleaners due to its low pH and antibacterial properties. They work great to clean glass and different surfaces. However, there are two exceptions to their possibilities! Don't use lemon to clean natural stone and anything that is brass plated. 24 other things you can clean with lemon juice

Խոհանոցում ափսեները լվանալու համար կտորի վրա կինը սոդա է լցնում։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan
Make an eco-friendly and all-purpose cleaner (2 cups distilled water, ½ tsp baking soda, 1tsp liquid castile soap, 4 drops any essential oil, 1 tsp Borax)

When we buy commercial cleaning products, we expect them to do one thing: clean! However many cleansers also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. DIY cleaning solutions, on the other hand, are said to have many benefits. They are fast and easy to make with customizable fragrances and without harsh chemicals. They are also very inexpensive and clean streak and spot free, every single time! 


Կինը մաքրում է փոշին՝ օգտագործելով որ աերոզոլային միջոց։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan
Choose non-aerosol sprays

Aerosol sprays use compressed gases and emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), a key component of asthma-inducing smog. Many VOCs can cause serious health problems. Non-aerosol sprays use a pumping mechanism instead of a pressurized mist, so they don’t contain compressed gases but have the same ease of use. Learn more about VOCs


Տղան բացել է պատուհանը և մաքուր օդ է շնչում։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan

Leave your window open for at least 5 minutes every day

Opening windows is a simple, but effective way of reducing indoor pollution! Even in urban areas, outside air is often cleaner than the inside air that doesn’t have sufficient and regular ventilation. However, make sure that the outdoor air quality is within a healthy threshold. Remember: AC on, windows closed! Why You Should Open A Window



Տանը սեղանին բույսի կողքին դրված է բնական ցողիչ։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan
Make your own natural diffuser instead of buying air fresheners

Get creative with your favorite scents! Store-bought air fresheners often come with unnecessary plastic packaging and often use harmful chemicals. Making your own air freshener is easy, produces less waste and avoids toxic air. Use any glass container with a narrow opening, reed sticks, and any combination of essential oils to make your own reed diffuser. Here are more DIY air freshener recipes!


Կինը լվանում է ափսեները տարայի մեջ նախապես հավաքված ջրով և փակ է պահում ծորակը։
UNICEF Armenia/2020/Margaryan
Use environmentally friendly cleaners

Look for cleaning products that have a low VOC content, the GreenScreen certification, or in the US look for the Safer Choice! The average cleaning product contains “Volatile Organic Compounds” (VOCs). Studies have shown that the chemicals found in conventional cleaning products are not just toxic to humans. They also have an extremely negative impact on our environment, particularly sea life and on the air we breathe, as they contribute to smog, reduce the quality of drinking water, and are toxic to animals. You can take a step further by learning how to make your own cleaning products, body soap and other beauty products from scratch, all in an environmentally friendly fashion. Check out this Green Cleaning Recipes for your kitchen guide.


Let's go green and save water, energy, papaer, use less plastic and improve air quality.