Rambo Amadeus and UNICEF young reporters: #DistanceHandsMask for the end of the pandemic

UNICEF National Goodwill Ambassador to Montenegro, Antonije Pusic, also known as Rambo Amadeus, and UNICEF young reporters made a video for the song #DistanceHandsMask

UNICEF Montenegro
UNICEF young reporter
UNICEF Montenegro / Duško Miljanić / 2021
11 June 2021
UNICEF Montenegro

PODGORICA, JUNE 11, 2021 – Thanks to the support of UNICEF and the British Embassy in Podgorica, UNICEF National Goodwill Ambassador to Montenegro, Antonije Pusic, also known as Rambo Amadeus, and UNICEF young reporters made a video for the song #DistanceHandsMask, which was released in March. The video is being launched at the beginning of the summer season with a call for adherence to the measures in order to end the coronavirus pandemic as soon as possible and ensure that schools are open to all children in Montenegro in the autumn.

A little over a century ago, a pandemic similar to this one took away 100 million lives in just one year, which was 10 percent of the global population at the time. Today, thanks to advances made in science, communication technologies, epidemiological surveillance and preventive measures, humanity is going through the same challenge in a far less painful manner. Nevertheless, it is necessary to adhere to the measures for some time. This funny song and its video are there to remind us of the preventive measures that are still necessary in order for life to return to normal as soon as possible.

Antonije Pusic, UNICEF National Goodwill Ambassador to Montenegro

In the latest public opinion poll conducted by Ipsos in March 2021, with the support of the British Embassy and UNICEF, 76% of Montenegrin citizens stated that they wore a mask and kept a distance from the interlocutor.

We call on our peers and all citizens to adhere to the #DistanceHandsMask measures so that the summer tourist season would be as successful as possible and so that we could go to school normally in the autumn.

Darja Miljanić, UNICEF young reporter

UNICEF’s young reporter Emir Drešević is looking forward to the summer holidays, which will be more relaxed if the number of infected people remains low thanks to respect of the #DistanceHandsMask measures.

We long for hanging out. Vaccines and #DistanceHandsMask measures make it possible for us to enjoy this summer in a way that is more similar to the ways we enjoyed summers before the pandemic. We want a normal childhood and youth and that is why we call on everyone to support us by respecting the #DistanceHandsMask measures.

Emir Drešević, UNICEF young reporter

Dr Senad Begic, UNICEF Montenegro Senior Health Consultant, explains why it is still vital to adhere to the #DistanceHandsMask measures:

Although over two billion and two hundred million doses of vaccines against COVID-19 have been administered around the world, with 12% of the world’s population receiving at least one dose, #DistanceHandsMask prevention measures remain the basis of the fight against the virus until the vast majority of the world’s population is protected by vaccines. Since this virus does not stop surprising us, we are still uncertain how effective the vaccines will be against new strains of the virus that may emerge in the future. However, we are absolutely convinced that no virus can beat general prevention measures: keeping physical distance, wearing face masks and taking care of hygiene.

Dr Senad Begic, UNICEF Montenegro Senior Health Consultant