Why UNICEF India is fundraising

Frequently asked questions about UNICEF India’s fundraisers, donating to UNICEF and how your donation can support a better future for every child.

Portrait of a newborn boy child.

Does UNICEF fundraise in India?

Yes, UNICEF does fundraise in India. UNICEF is the only UN agency that depends on voluntary contributions. UNICEF relies on voluntary contributions from public donors, businesses, foundations and individuals. The money that is raised in India is utilized for our programmes in India. Donations are needed to ensure UNICEF can sustain its programmes and work on advocating for the scaleup of successful programmes with state and national governments. With a growing economy and slowdown in foreign contributions, UNICEF India seeks support from the Indian population to help ensure that every child has a fair chance and start in life.

How can I make a donation to UNICEF?

You can make a donation in a number of ways:

Online – you can make a secure donation online on our website at https://www.unicef.org/india/ and click on the Donate Now button.

Cheque – You can provide a cheque made out to UNICEF India and provide it to one of our state offices or send it to:

Attention: Donor Care


73 Lodhi Estate

New Delhi


Telephone -  You can also make a donation using NACH and through other payment methods by contacting our Donor Relations team at 1800-3000-5898 or email at indiadonors@unicef.org between 9:30 am to 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) and someone will be happy to collect your information and assist you in making a donation.

Donation sign-ups can be done directly by an individual via the ways mentioned above or also when you are contacted by a UNICEF fundraiser either face to face or via tele calling.

Will the money I give to UNICEF India be used to help children in India only?

Yes. All money that is raised in India stays in India to support UNICEF’s work in India.

When will I get a receipt?

UNICEF will send you a confirmation receipt within four weeks.  If you do not get it within this time the please call the Donor Relations Officer at 1800-3000-5898 or email at indiadonors@unicef.org Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) between 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and we will respond to you between 48 to 72 hours.

Will I get a Tax exemption?

Donations to UNICEF are not currently eligible for tax benefits under Section 80G. The Income Tax Act does not allow UNICEF to give tax exemption to its donors as it is not registered in India (as a charity) as it is a United Nations Agency. The status is also aligned to UNICEF’s need for being neutral in its country of operation.

Why does UNICEF need my funds?

UNICEF is the only UN agency which was founded on the basis of raising its own resources and hence depends only on voluntary contributions. Thereby UNICEF relies on 100 per cent voluntary contributions from corporates, foundations and individual donors who come from all walks of life. All money that is raised in India is utilized for the programmes in India alone. Your contribution is needed to ensure UNICEF can do its programmes and work on advocating for scale up of successful programmes with state and national governments. In India, a majority of funds are received through UNICEF’s global fundraising efforts. However, with the growing economy and subsequent downslide in foreign contributions, the India Country Office needs to take the onus of ensuring that UNICEF’s work receives continuous patronage from Indians.

Can I help in any other way, than by donating money? Clothes, ration etc.

The current scope of operations in India does not warrant UNICEF channelling material supplies from donors. UNICEF supplies materials like vaccines, medicines, education kits, RTPCR Testing Kits, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen generations plants, PPE kits etc., which are as per the exact specifications required at the ground level. These procurements are made to order from the money contributed to UNICEF.

Want to donate one time only, can I?

Yes you can donate one time, however to ensure we as UNICEF can help provide sustainable long term solutions in India to enable children to survive and thrive we encourage you to donate for a longer period. Social and development change happens over a period of time and your long-term donations will one step towards the same. Also in times of emergencies such as the most recent outbreak of COVID-19, where UNICEF has supported the government in procuring essential supplies for immediate use such as PPE kits, RTPCR testing kits and also in procuring oxygen generation plants, which will help in providing long term life saving oxygen.

Why are you asking me to make a monthly donation?

UNICEF asks for monthly contributions to help us provide sustainable long-term solutions to help children in India. Monthly contributions allow us to plan and project our long-term funding needs and better plan our programming. By giving a monthly donation you are showing that you are committed to help us ensure that every child in India has a chance to survive and thrive.

How does UNICEF receive its funds and how is this different from other UN agencies like the WHO, and UNHCR?

UNICEF is the only UN agency funded entirely by voluntary contributions. Without income, UNICEF cannot deliver on its mandate to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

I met a person in a mall or on the street, who was asking for donations in the name of UNICEF. Are they authentic?


I received a phone call from someone who was asking for donations in the name of UNICEF. Are they authentic?

We fundraise in India through various mediums including Face to Face, Online, TV Ads and Telemarketing. This is being done by our authorized fundraising partners. Our Face to Face teams fundraise in approximately 20 cities in India currently; Mumbai, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Vadodara, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Trivandrum, Delhi, Kolkata, Cochin, Jaipur, Mysore, Thrissur, Kozhikode, Indore, Kannur and Vizag. Online and Telemarketing fundraising takes place across all of India, through our authorized fundraising partners. All Face to Face fundraisers carry an ID badge with a valid ID number on it, that authenticates them as a fundraiser with UNICEF.  The same can be verified by either calling our toll free number 1800-3000-5898 or emailing us  at indiadonors@unicef.org between 9:30 am to 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) and we will respond to you between 48 to 72 hours.

I met a fundraiser and they did not seem to know much about our programme?

Our fundraising agents are trained to talk about the general framework of our programme as they are ideally required to inspire an individual to join our cause and donate. They are not trained or expected to know the technical details of our programmes as this is not their role or skill set that they hold. However, if you would like to know more about the work of UNICEF in India you may visit the pages on our official website i.e. https://www.unicef.org/india/ or write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org with your questions and we will respond to you between 48 to 72 hours.

How do I cancel/upgrade/downgrade my donation?

For any information related to cancelling, upgrading or downgrading your donation, you may contact our helpdesk team on the toll free number 1800-3000-5898 or write to us at indiadonors@unicef.org Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) between 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and we will respond to you between 48 to 72 hours.