The District League Table reveals unexpected results related to social development in Ghana

ACCRA, 18 June 2019 – Results released today from the 2018/2019 District League Table II Report have revealed that Asante Akim North Municipal, a little-known District in the Ashanti Region is ranked first, while the District with the lowest ranking is Asokore Mampong Municipal, in the same Ashanti Region. In relation to Regional ranking, Greater Accra is at the top, whereas Eastern Region is at the bottom, well below the positions of traditionally “poor” Regions like Upper East and Upper West.
This District League Table (DLT), introduced for the first time in 2014, is the fifth in the series and has been used as a social accountability tool that ranks all of Ghana’s Districts by their level of social development and service delivery, providing evidence for enhanced decision-making.This is the result of a partnership between UNICEF, the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), the Centre for Social Policy Studies (University of Ghana - Legon), the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, as well as the Office of Head of Local Government Service.
Based on consultations with the key Ministries and Agencies concerned, the DLT II used indicators from seven key sectors - health, education, sanitation, water, child protection, governance and security - to compile a single score for each District. A new way of calculating the total scores for the Districts and for the overall index has been used. While the overall ranking or position of each District matters, it is even more important to emphasize the Districts’ performances in the specific sectors.
“What is new about this District League Table II (2018/2019) is that two indicators were added to track progress related to the birth registration rate and net attendance rate at primary level. In addition, the rural and urban water coverage rates were combined into one water indicator. The Report provides District rankings within social sectors, which also enables better prioritization, planning, resource allocation, and implementation. The objective is to provide evidence to inform equity-focused decisions, so that all children and their families have access to quality basic social services. As Ghana seeks to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, let’s make sure we leave no one behind”, said Anne Claire Dufay, UNICEF Representative in Ghana.
There are wide inequities among the Districts of Ghana, when it comes to social service outcomes. The DLT II Report will help Ministries, Departments and Agencies at the national and district levels gain understanding of such disparities in social well-being. As we commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the rights of the Child, we call for action to realize the rights of all children in Ghana.
Each year, the results of the Ghana’s District League Table trigger constructive national debate and call for action towards improving social services for people in Ghana.
“It is critical that insights from this DLT II Report are shared by the media and all stakeholders at national, regional and district levels toward generating more dialogue and responses towards achieving sustainable and inclusive development in Ghana”, said Prof. H Kwasi. Prempeh, Executive Director of CDD-Ghana.
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