First regular session 2002

21-25 January 2002

Session documents

Agenda Item 1 - Opening of the session:
(a) Election of the officers of the Executive Board for 2002 
(b) Statement by the President of the Executive Board
Agenda Item 2 - Adoption of the provisional agenda and timetable and organization of work
Provisional annotated agenda and organization of work - E/ICEF/2002/2 ENFRES
Agenda Item 3 - Report of the Executive Director (Part I): Annual report to the Economic and Social Council
Report of the Executive Director: progress and achievements against the medium-term plan -
E/ICEF/2002/4 (Part I) ENFRES
Activities of the Joint Inspection Unit of relevance to the United Nations Children’s Fund - E/ICEF/2002/5 ENFRES
Agenda Item 4 - Country Notes
Eastern and Southern Africa
Botswana - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.1 ENFRES
Comoros - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.2 ENFRES
West and Central Africa 
Cameroon - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.3 ENFRES
Côte d'Ivoire - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.4 ENFRES
Guinea Bissau - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.5 ENFRES
Mali - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.6 ENFRES
Mauritania - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.7 ENFRES
Americas and the Caribbean
Bolivia - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.8 ENFRES
Multi-country programme for the Eastern Caribbean - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.9 ENFRES
East Asia and the Pacific
Pacific Island countries - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.10 ENFRES
Papua New Guinea - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.11 ENFRES
South Asia
India - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.12 ENFRES
Maldives - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.13 ENFRES
Middle East and North Africa
Djibouti - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.14 ENFRES
Jordan - E/EICEF/2002/P/L.15 ENFRES
Agenda Item 5 - Procedures for consideration and approval of proposals for country programmes of cooperation
Procedures for consideration and approval of proposals for country programmes of cooperation -
Agenda Item 6 - Immunization: Vaccine security
Vaccine security: ensuring a sustained, uninterrupted supply of affordable vaccines - E/EICEF/2002/6 ENFRES
Agenda Item 7 - Recommendation to the Executive Board: UNICEF Maurice Pate Award
Recommendation to the Executive Board: UNICEF Maurice Pate Award - E/EICEF/2002/7 ENFRES
Agenda Item 8 - Tribute to key actors of the Global Movement for Children: The role of volunteers
in UNICEF National Committees

Agenda Item 9 - Private Sector Division (PDS) work plan and proposed budget for 2002
Private sector division work plan and proposed budget for 2002 - E/EICEF/2002/AB/L.1 ENFRES
Agenda Item 10 - Pledging event
Agenda Item 11 - Other matters
Agenda Item 12 - Closing of the session: remarks by the Executive Director and the President of the Executive Board
Agenda Item 13 - Joint Meeting of the Executive Boards of UNICEF and UNDP/UNFPA and WFP