Draft country programme documents

Commenting period: 11 June to 1 July 2024

Second regular session 2024


In accordance with Executive Board decision 2014/1, country programme documents (CPDs) are considered and approved in one session, on a no-objection basis.

The draft country programme documents listed in the table below, along with the respective costed evaluation plans (CEP), are being presented to the Executive Board for review and comment from 11 June to 1 July 2024 (18:00 hours, Eastern Daylight Time). (The commenting period is closed.)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (in final or draft form) have been made available, as appropriate, on the UNSDG website, and are accessible via the following link: https://unsdg.un.org/resources/executive-board-documents-sessions

Any comments should be sent by email to oseb@unicef.org by 18:00 hours Eastern Daylight Time on 1 July 2024, preferably earlier, using this template to provide comments on the draft programme documents. 
All comments will be:
     • made public on the Executive Board website;
     • considered by the requesting country, in close consultation with UNICEF.

The final programme documents have been posted on the 2024 second regular session page of the Executive Board website in English six weeks ahead of the session, and in the other designated languages four weeks ahead of the session, in accordance with established practice.

Submit comments to OSEB

Eastern and Southern Africa                                                                                                
Namibia draft CPDEN                CEP - EN     
Comment(s): Oman, United States of America 
Response(s): Oman, United States of America 
Europe and Central Asia  
Ukraine draft CPD - EN                                                                                 CEP - EN 
Comment(s): Oman, United States of America 
Response(s): Oman, United States of America 
Middle East and North Africa    
Djibouti draft CPD - EN                                                                                                     CEP - EN   
Comment(s): Ireland, Oman, United States of America 
Response(s): Ireland, Oman, United States of America 
West and Central Africa                                                   

Democratic Republic of the Congo draft CPD - EN

Note from the Secretary of the Executive Board                                      

CEP - EN  
Comment(s): Belgium, Germany, Oman, Switzerland, United States of America 
Response(s): Belgium, Germany, Oman, Switzerland, United States of America 
Sierra Leone draft CPD - ENCEP - EN
Comment(s): Germany, Oman, United States of America 
Response(s): Germany, Oman, United States of America