The State of Zanzibar's Children

Evidence from the Zanzibar Household Budget Surveys (2010-2020)


The State of Zanzibar’s Children: Evidence from the Zanzibar Household Budget Surveys (2010–2020) is the first child poverty report for Zanzibar that uses consistent and comparable indicators of monetary and multidimensional poverty for children aged 0–17 years, using three rounds of Household Budget Survey (HBS) data collected between 2009/10 and 2019/20.

The report shows that Zanzibar’s children have seen considerable improvements in their living standards during the period 2010-2020. Multidimensional poverty among children fell from 53% to 34%; this pattern mirrored similar declines in child monetary poverty, which dropped from 40% to 30% over the same period. Still, in 2020 47% of Zanzibari children experienced some sort of poverty, be it monetary, non-monetary, or a combination of both. The dimensions in which most children are deprived are housing (66%), nutrition (55%), and water & sanitation (47%).

State of Zanzibar's Children report cover
Government of Zanzibar (Tanzania) and UNICEF
Publication date