What You Need to Know about the Escazu Agreement

On Earth Day, find out why the agreement is so important to children and youth.

Earth day
What is the Escazú Agreement?

It is a tool used for the protection of the environment and human rights.

It seeks to guarantee:

  • Access to Information
  • Public Participation Access to Justice regarding environmental matters in Latin America.
Why is the Escazú Agreement important?
  • It sets forth objectives to ensure people can have access to environmental information.
  • People can be consulted in environmental decision-making processes.
  • Because they can take legal action in cases of environmental damage.
  • Because it promotes and defends the rights of environmental defenders and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Why is the Escazú Agreement important for children?
  • Because aims to ensure that everyone can enjoy the right to a healthy environment and sustainable development with an intergenerational approach.
  • It guarantees access rights and other rights related to the objectives of the Escazú Agreement.
  • Allows for progress in the involvement of children in environmental and climate decision-making processes.
Youth participation Escazú Agreement

Children and youth have been key agents of mobilization and advocacy for countries in the region to ratify the Agreement.

Some key actions taken by youth:

  • Led virtual and face-to-face campaigns.
  • Created spaces to raise awareness about the Escazú Agreement.
  • Mobilized more young people in their countries to support the Escazú Agreement.
cover-escazu agreement for young people
UNICEF LACRO/2021/Daviron

Escazú Agreement for young people

Gain in-depth understanding of the Escazú Agreement, its importance and all its articles.

This document includes essential information about the Escazú Agreement, its importance, and all its articles in youth-friendly language.

Latin American and Caribbean countries created a pioneering tool in the context of environmental protection and human rights that reflects the region’s ambition, priorities and specific features: the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, better known as the Escazú Agreement. In this document you can learn about its articles and importance.