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UNICEF works closely with the Government, local governments and civil society to improve the situation of children in Kazakhstan

UNICEF/2016/Andrey Kim


For more than 20 years, UNICEF has been successfully cooperating with the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local executive bodies, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders in priority areas for the protection of the rights of the child.

Two factors are crucial for developing effective solutions and in-full unlocking the potential of each region: a thorough study of the situation and UNICEF’s close collaboration with local communities. Therefore, UNICEF is a supporter of local solutions to protect the rights of the child, which can be successfully implemented in collaboration with local executive bodies.

Examples of such cooperation are joint initiatives implemented over several years in the East Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda and Mangystau regions.

  • UNICEF in Kazakhstan provides technical support to the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan to implement the universal progressive patronage model in Kyzylorda
  • For UNICEF, engaging with vulnerable adolescents and young people is especially important. UNICEF sees as its goal the creation of such YRCs in Kazakhstan that will be open to new forms of cooperation and support the socialization of the neediest young people.
  • The Ombudsman for Human Rights jointly with UNICEF implemented a pilot program on the prevention of violence against children in educational and boarding institutions in East Kazakhstan Region. The goal was to create a positive school and educational environment for children. The program has developed and established a mechanism for registering and prompt responding to reports of violence against children.
  • UNICEF signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to provide support to the Emergency Committee of the Ministry Internal Affairs and Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan in the implementation of the Program “Support for Disaster Risk Reduction to Organizations and Vulnerable Communities in the Republic of Kazakhstan“. As a result, 3,600 teachers and 70,000 students in resource and pilot schools and pre-school organizations in Almaty, South Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Mangystau regions and Almaty and Astana cities improved their knowledge and skills in safe behaviour before, during and after disasters.
  • The joint UNICEF-European Union Program for Strengthening the Justice for Children and Protecting Their Rights aims to support the Government of Kazakhstan in creating a comprehensive child-friendly justice that meets international standards with a focus on the rights of children in contact with the law as well as child victims and witnesses of crime.

Business partnership

UNICEF is working with representatives of business and commercial structures in Kazakhstan to jointly promote the rights and interests of children and young people. In 2019, one of the largest collective shopping services in Kazakhstan, Chocolife.Me, as part of its social responsibility program, launched a fundraising campaign to support UNICEF programs. The successful start of cooperation between UNICEF and a representative of Chocofamily Holding was noted at the annual meeting of UNICEF with the Government of Kazakhstan and with all key partners.

Currently, UNICEF is conducting a global study on Enterprise Policies regarding the workspace, which will help to obtain data on the attitude of business towards creating favorable conditions for employees with young children, as well as familiarize company management with possible improvements in the environment for employees with children. To take part in the survey, follow the link: https://unicefcsrglobalsurvey.questionpro.com/