What we do

We support government & non-governmental partners to promote & fulfill the rights of children. #ForEveryChild

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Our goal is to help to fulfil the rights of every child. 

We pursue this goal by partnering with stakeholders such as the government, non-governmental organizations, change-makers in civil society and the private sector to influence and improve laws, policies, and programmes which will impact how children access quality services. We are in a unique position to collaborate with everyone including advocates and service providers who work closely with children and their families, as well as the elected leaders who are responsible to ensure that laws and policies are in line with children's rights. Most importantly, we integrate the voices of our children and adolescents by engaging them on the issues that affect their lives.

Focusing our attention on children in vulnerable situations, we have five priority areas in the Jamaica country programme document (2022 to 2026)

1.    Child protection
2.    Climate action and resilience 
3.    Education
4.    Social policy 
5.    Survive and thrive

Everything we do is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Jamaica ratified in 1991. Informed by Vision 2030 Jamaica, our work contributes to the nation’s development priorities, which are also outlined in the:
•    2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 
•    Regional goals of the United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework (UNMSDCF) and 
•    UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025.