About us

An overview of OIAI's leadership, mandate and professional standards


Stephen Zimmermann, Director, OIAI
Stephen Zimmermann, Director

Steve joined UNICEF in March 2019, after serving as Senior Adviser to the Governance Global Practice of the World Bank where he helped guide the Bank’s anti-corruption, justice and rule of law work. He was previously the Director of Operations for the World Bank Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) where he oversaw teams charged with detecting, investigating, sanctioning and preventing fraud and corruption in Bank-financed activities and had a leading role in developing the Bank’s integrity agenda. Earlier, Steve served in leadership roles for the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Oil for Food Program, and as an Assistant United States Attorney and a lawyer in private practice.

Ms. Magdalena Zold, Deputy Director Investigations, OIAI
Magdalena Zold, Deputy Director, Investigations

Magda joined UNICEF after leading the Latin America and Caribbean Region investigative team in the World Bank’s Vice-Presidency of Integrity (INT) since 2012. She previously worked in the World Bank Group’s Department of Institutional Integrity, as an independent consultant providing technical assistance to investigative entities, including the World Bank. Earlier in her career, she worked in Argentina as a governmental anticorruption investigator and an attorney in criminal law practice. Magda trained as a lawyer in Argentina and holds a Master of Laws (LLM) from Columbia University, New York, where she was a Human Rights Fellow.

Photo of Eva Mavroeidi
Eva Mavroeidi, Deputy Director, Internal Audit

Eva joined UNICEF after leading the global internal audit activities for the International Office for Migration (IOM). Previously, she was responsible for the oversight of the Global Fund portfolio managed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in North, West, and Central Africa, and as Quality Assurance and Policy Manager for all activities and outputs of the Office. Earlier, she worked as an audit director in the international private sector and as a lawyer in Athens, Greece. Eva holds a bachelor’s degree in law (LL.B), a Master of Business Administration (MBA), and is a Fellow Certified Chartered Accountant (FCCA). She is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and holds certifications in risk management (CRMA), government auditing (CGAP), information technology auditing (CISA), and is currently pursuing the fraud examiner’s certification (ACFE). 

Mandate, professional standards and quality assurance

OIAI operates under a Charter that outlines its independence, authorities and responsibilities.

The Office follows relevant professional standards in its work. It conducts internal audits in accord with the guidance in the International Professional Practices Framework issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), and investigations in accord with the Uniform Principles and Guidelines for Investigations endorsed by the 10th Conference of the International Investigators and in conformity with the principles outlined in Chapter X of the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules.

The Office also maintains a quality assurance and improvement programme that covers all aspects of its internal audit and investigation activities. This includes internal and independent external quality assessments that involve ongoing performance monitoring and periodic reviews. The Internal Audit Section had an external quality assessment in 2019, and the Investigations Section had an assessment in 2021.