Data on the situation of children in the Middle East and North Africa
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“Egypt on a landmark journey to put children first”

UNICEF Regional Director commended the work of the Government of Egypt, the progress made and the commitment of a wide range of partners to achieve the rights of the most vulnerable boys and girls

11 July 2018
Children smiling to the camera
Children play outside the Asmeet Primary Healthcare Unit (PHU) in Kafr Shukr town in the Qalyubia Governorate. Egypt.


CAIRO, 10 JULY 2018 – During his three-day-visit, the UNICEF Regional Director met with high level government officials, private sector, national and international counterparts. Discussions focused on key issues including system building in the field of social workforce, social protection, the crucial transformative programme “Education 2.0”, the important efforts in the fields of health and nutrition, as well as the issue of young Egyptians’ employability.

“Egypt has made remarkable progress on children’s rights on many fronts including the decrease of under-five mortality rates and the Education enrolment. More efforts to address the most vulnerable children are on track, thanks to the Government renewed commitment to place the interest of all children in Egypt as a top priority” said Mr. Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF MENA Regional Director.  

During his visit to the Family Club within the El Obour Primary Health Unit, he had the opportunity to meet with Syrian children and social workers. Free access to services and providing psychosocial support are expressions of the remarkable solidarity and generosity of Egyptian government and people” said Mr. Cappelaere.

In a visit to the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, Mr. Cappelaere met with the staff of the 16000 Child Helpline, and commended the crucial role of this Council in continuously engaging on Children related issues, providing leadership on child rights.             

The Regional Director signed a new partnership between UNICEF and Unilever to support promoting health, water, sanitation and hygiene practices and improving health and nutrition knowledge among children, parents and caregivers.

Following a meeting with several representatives from the Egyptian private sector, the Regional Director indicated how adolescent empowerment and employability is a primary goal for UNICEF, which is willing to support young people and children as agents of change.



Note to the Editors

Mr. Cappelaere had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Minister of Education and Technical Education, the Secretary General of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) as well as with representatives of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

Media contacts

Juliette Touma
Regional Chief of Advocacy and Communications
UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional Office
Tel: 00962798674628
Jonathan Crickx
Chief of Communication
UNICEF Palestine Country Office


UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

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