Child Wellbeing in Georgia - 2023
Results of the Child Welfare Survey (CWS) conducted by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), with support from UNICEF
- English
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This report presents the results of the Child Welfare Survey (CWS) conducted by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), with support from UNICEF, in July-September 2022. The survey was developed in agreement with the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Assistance (MoIDPLHSA) and the Permanent Parliamentary Council for the Protection of the Rights of the Child with an overarching aim of collecting data on multiple dimensions of child welfare in Georgia, including children’s access to healthcare, education and social assistance, nutrition during school hours, material deprivation, methods of upbringing and functional difficulties. The survey involved interviewing 1,279 respondents who provided information on 2,438 children living in their households. The survey questionnaire was designed jointly by UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti and UNICEF Georgia Country Office. The survey results are representative of Georgian children living in regions that are at present under the control of the Government of Georgia. The primary target audience of the report are stakeholders involved in providing services for children, including relevant line ministries, local authorities, national and international child rights organizations, and also to the general public at large.