Disability Inclusive and Accessible Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Action

Guidance for the East Asia and Pacific region

A child enjoys the playground at Hobu Inclusive Early Childhood Development learning centre in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
UNICEF/UN0279159/den Dulk


Child-Friendly Spaces (CFS) aim to create a safe, engaging and nurturing environment for all children during and after an emergency. However, children with disabilities are more likely to face barriers accessing services during humanitarian responses, including accessing child-friendly spaces.

Children with disabilities face greater risks and vulnerabilities than other children, and even more so during emergencies. Removing these barriers and ensuring children with disabilities have the same opportunities as other children to access CFS programmes is vital for their well-being and protection. This guidance will support those involved in planning and implementing child-friendly spaces to achieve this.

The guidance provides practical ideas and tools to help make Child Friendly Spaces accessible to and inclusive of children with disabilities, and for parents or caregivers with disabilities.

Publication date