Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016-17 Report and Key Findings - Gilgit Baltistan

Monitoring the situation of children and women


The Gilgit-Baltistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (GB-MICS) 2016-17 was designed to estimate the situation of children and women against 121 key development indicators. The MICS Survey is a unique source of information which will serve as a baseline for researchers, policy makers, and individuals to use the evidence based data for decision making. The GB-MICS, conducted between October 2016 and February 2017, is one of the largest surveys conducted in Gilgit-Baltistan with a sample size of 6,460 households. The survey forms part of the fifth global round of Multiple Indicator Clusters Surveys programme. GB-MICS, 2016-17 has been implemented by the Planning and Development Department with technical support from UNICEF, while the sampling frame and fresh household listings were provided by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Report 22 cover
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