Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Kenya, 2017
Read about the challenges and opportunities facing children and adolescents in Kenya

The 2017 Situation Analysis of Children and Women (SitAn) report provides a comprehensive overview of the key actors contributing to and hindering the realization of children and adolescents’ rights in Kenya.
The launch of the report comes at a critical time in terms of national planning for children: after the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and while the Government is in the process of finalizing the Third Medium Term Plan 2018-2022 (MTP III) of the Vision 2030; the second generation of County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs); and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2018-2022.
The 2017 SitAn aims to inform these planning processes by providing policy makers with a current and comprehensive overview of the needs of children and women in Kenya. The findings of the SitAn have been critical for Government and UNICEF Kenya in the planning of the 2018-2022 Country Programme Development (CPD), which identifies key priorities for the next 4 years of collaboration and UNICEF support.