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LRPS-2024-9187924 for Provision of Formative Evaluation of the Spilno Spots Initiative

Deadline on 2.02


Dear participants, UNICEF has now issued a Request for Proposals in order to select a supplier for the provision of RFP- 2024 - 9187924 - Formative Evaluation of the Spilno Spots Initiative in Ukraine

Deadline on February 2, 12.00 Kyiv time

Pls note a PRE-BID MEETING will be held online via Teams platform (Microsoft Teams)

The Pre-bid conference will be held on January 18, 2023 [14:00, Kyiv time].

Interested bidders are required to register for Pre-Bidding Conference by submitting their company name, list of attending representatives and their contact information via the 'Correspondence' tab in the UNICEF e-submission system Subject: Pre-Bidding Conference Registration

Hereby the link for accessing to it.