Research and reports
UNICEF’s work is grounded in empirical data, rigorous research and thoughtful analysis.
Our latest publications and reports
UNICEF combines its experience and well-collected evidence and analysis to create programmes, campaigns, and initiatives wherever they are needed most. Explore our publications and reports to see how information can lead to change.
Driving change for children through data
UNICEF is the world's leading source of credible data and analysis about the situation of children, using evidence to drive change. Explore our surveys and studies on the state of children and women in Turkmenistan.
Explore global data
Representing a long-standing collaboration between UNICEF and National Statistical Offices, TransMonEE captures a vast range of administrative data on the situation and well-being of children, young people and women in the region.
This database contains abstracts and full-text reports of evaluations, studies, and surveys related to UNICEF programmes. These evaluations determine the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of our work.
Office of Research
The Office of Research – Innocenti – is UNICEF’s dedicated research centre. Its core mandate is to undertake cutting-edge, policy-relevant research that equips the organization and the wider global community to deliver results for children.
Household surveys
UNICEF’s Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) use house-by-house interviews to gather the most recent data and information on children and their families. MICS are an important source of information on disaggregated data on children.