03 July 2023

Global Annual Results Report 2022: Humanitarian action

Climate change and conflict shaped many children’s lives for the worse in 2022. Flooding, storms, drought, war, local and regional conflict, and other forms of violence negatively impacted children’s safety; their health and exposure to communicable diseases; their nutritional status; their access to education; their environment and access to safe…, Filename: Humanitarian_FinalWebAccessibility.pdf Report created by: Creatrix Designer Organization: [Personal and organization information from the Preferences > Identity dialog.], Summary, The checker found no problems in this document. Needs manual check: 0 Passed manually: 2 Failed manually: 0 Skipped: 0 Passed: 30 Failed: 0, Detailed Report, Document, Rule Name Status Description Accessibility permission flag Passed Accessibility permission flag must be set Image-only PDF Passed Document is not image-only PDF Tagged PDF Passed Document is tagged PDF Logical Reading Order Passed manually Document structure provides a logical reading order Primary language Passed Text language is specified Title…, Page Content, Rule Name Status Description Tagged content Passed All page content is tagged Tagged annotations Passed All annotations are tagged Tab order Passed Tab order is consistent with structure order Character encoding Passed Reliable character encoding is provided Tagged multimedia Passed All multimedia objects are tagged Screen flicker Passed Page will…, Forms, Rule Name Status Description Tagged form fields Passed All form fields are tagged Field descriptions Passed All form fields have description, Alternate Text, Rule Name Status Description Figures alternate text Passed Figures require alternate text Nested alternate text Passed Alternate text that will never be read Associated with content Passed Alternate text must be associated with some content Hides annotation Passed Alternate text should not hide annotation Other elements alternate text Passed Other…, Tables, Rule Name Status Description Rows Passed TR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot TH and TD Passed TH and TD must be children of TR Headers Passed Tables should have headers Regularity Passed Tables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column Summary Passed Tables must have a summary, Lists, Rule Name Status Description List items Passed LI must be a child of L Lbl and LBody Passed Lbl and LBody must be children of LI, Headings, Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back to Top
30 June 2023

Strengthening care for families and supporting mental health

Being mentally healthy gives us the ability to enjoy life and cope with good and bad days. For children, it is vital to their ability to understand and manage their emotions, form nurturing and meaningful connections, play, learn and grow. The pandemic highlighted just how much our mental health is a reflection of the world around us. It isn't…, It starts at home, Safe and nurturing environments at home are fundamental to the emotional and psychological development of children and adolescents. The presence of a stable adult caregiver supports children’s and adolescents’ overall sense of wellbeing. In times of crises, re-establishing routines supports a child’s or adolescent’s coping and recovery.   While…, Caring for the caregiver  , Research  shows that supporting the mental health of parents and caregivers can avert instances of abuse, neglect, and adverse experiences during childhood.  When parents are supported and enabled to parent well, everyone benefits. Evidence-based parenting interventions have a positive impact on the mental well-being of both the caregivers and…, Family-friendly policies , The bottom line is that caregivers need time, resources and services to be the very best they can be. Family-friendly policies, defined as those which enable families to reconcile work and family life, are essential in this context.   Family-friendly policies, including paid parental leave; access to affordable, quality childcare; breastfeeding…, The role of government and business , Despite the clear benefits of family-friendly policies for children, families, businesses and economies at large, progress in the business and public policy spaces is lacking.   Globally,  the vast majority of working parents and caregivers have no or insufficient access to family-friendly policies, especially in informal work settings that fall…