Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the United States, and UNICEF Launch 21st Century Skills Training for Youth in Timor-Leste through Community Learning Centers (CLCs)

10 May 2022
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the United States, and UNICEF Launch 21st Century Skills Training for Youth in Timor-Leste through Community Learning Centers (CLCs)
UNICEF Timor-Leste/2022/Monemnasi

Let’s Inspire and Empower Youth Together!

Dili, 10 May 2022 – Today, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, together with the United States Embassy and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) launched an initiative to introduce 21st Century Skills training for youth in Timor-Leste. The trainings will be rolled out through the Community Learning Centers (CLCs) in Baucau, Dili and Manatuto municipalities. 

The initiative was launched by the Director General of Education and Teaching, Mr. Luis Fernándes and UNICEF Deputy Country Representative, Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia at the Community Learning Center (CLC) in Cristo Rei during a ceremony attended by students from the CLC, teachers, parents and community members.

“Timor-Leste is now an established leader in exploring new frontiers in education for children and youth globally. We were the first to introduce the Eskola Ba Uma/Learning Passport to ensure children continued learning during the pandemic. We are now introducing courses on 21st century skills to enable the young people of Timor-Leste learn key skills and advance their learning at the same pace as many other countries in the world,” said Mr. Luis Fernándes, Director General of Education and Teaching, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

Under this initiative, the MoEYS will roll out nine courses in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) and financial literacy. These courses will include theoretical and practical guidance and encourage youth to solve real world challenges they experience, including those related to climate change, health and sanitation, upcycling, and food preservation.  

The courses are available online in Tetun, and employ innovative, world-class education techniques from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the INSPER University of Brazil. The courses have been developed by MOEYS, UNICEF, MIT and INSPER University. 

“This program will help future Timorese leaders develop the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century economy,” said U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Tom Daley.  “This project reflects the U.S. commitment to strengthening educational opportunities for Timorese students, as well as our enduring partnership with Timor-Leste.”  

“These courses will help youth in Timor-Leste learn about skills that are relevant to the world today and help them lead innovation and solve problems that would have an impact on them now and for future generations. This collaboration between the US Government, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and UNICEF will help them leap into the future and be the driving force for positive change,” said UNICEF Deputy Country Representative, Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia. 

With support from the Government of the United States, through the U.S. Embassy in Dili, UNICEF and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport will continue to roll out the courses to youth in Baucau and Manatuto and host an inter-school competition in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.  

All of the courses are also available on the Microsoft’s Learning Passport platform, known locally as Eskola ba Uma platform. 




Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu, Embaixada Estatus Unidus, no UNICEF Lansa Treinamentu Kona-ba Abilidade Sékulu 21 ba Foin-Sa’e sira iha Sentru Aprendijazen Komunitária


Dili, 10 Maiu 2022 – Ohin loron, Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu, hamutuk ho Embaixada Estadus Unidus no Fundus Nasoens Unidas ba Labarik (UNICEF) lansa ona inisitative atu introdús treinamentu kona-ba Abilidade Sékulu 21 ba foin-sa’e sira iha Timor-Leste. Treinamentu ne’e sei implementa iha munisípiu Baucau, Dili, no Manatuto. 

Inisiatiava ida-ne’e lansa husi Diretór Jerál Edukasaun no Ensinu, Sr. Luis Fernándes no Adjunta Reprezentante País UNICEF, Sra. Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia, iha Sentru Aprendizajen Komunitária Cristo Rei durante seremónia ne’ebé atende husi estudante sira husi Sentru Aprendijazen, profesor no profesora sira, inan-aman no membru komunidade sira. 

“Timor-Leste agora sai lider hodi explora limitasaun foun iha edukasaun ba labarik no foin-sa’e sira globalmente. Timor-Leste mak nasaun dahuluk introdús kona-ba Plataforma Eskola ba Uma/Passporte Aprendizajen atu asegura labarik sira kontinua aprende durante tempu pandemia. Agora ita mós introdús kursu Abilidade Sékulu 21 atu ajuda joven sira aprende kona-ba abilidade xave sira no hadi’ak sira-nia aprendizajen hanesan ho nasaun barak sira seluk iha mundu,” hateten Sr. Luis Fernándes, Diretór Jéral Edukasaun no Ensinu, Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu.  

Liuhusi inisiativa ida-ne’e, MEJD sei implementa kursu sia iha siénsia, téknolojia enjeneria, arte no matematika (STEAM) no literásia finanseiru. Kursu sira ne’e sei inklui téoria no matadalan prátika sira no enkoraja foin-sa’e sira atu rezolve problema real ne’ebé mak sira esperiénsia iha mundu ohin loron, asuntu sira liga ho mudansa klimátika, saúde, saneamentu, resiklajen, no prezervasaun hahan. 

Kursu sira-ne’e disponivel iha lian Tetun, no uza aproximasaun inovativu, nivel mundial, husi Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) no Universidade INSPER iha Brazil. Kursu sira ne’e dezenvolve husi MEJD, UNICEF, MIT no Universidade INSPER. 

“Program ne’e sei ajuda lider futuru Timoroan sira dezenvolve abilidade sira-ne’ebé mak presiza ba ekonomia sékulu 21,” hateten Enkaregadu Embaixada EUA, Tom Daley. “Programa ne’e refleta komitmentu EUA atu haforsa oportunidade edukasaun ba estudante Timoroan sira, nune’e mós ami-nia parseiria ho Timor-Leste.”  

“Kursu sira-ne’e sei ajuda foin-sa’e sira iha Timor-Leste aprende abilidade sira ne’ebé mak relevante iha mundu ohin loron no ajuda sira lidera inovasaun no rezolve problema sira ne’ebé mak iha impaktu ba sira agora no ba jerasaun tuirmai. Kolaborasaun ida-ne’e entre governu EUA, Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude, no Desportu,no UNICEF sei ajuda foin-sa’e sira ba futuru no sira sai forsa ba mudansa pozitivu” hateten Adjunta Reprezentante País UNICEF, Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia.

Ho apoiu husi Governu Estadus Unidus Amerika, liuhusi Embaixada EUA iha Dili, UNICEF no Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude, no Desportu sei kontinua implementa kursu sira-ne’e ba foin-sa’e sira iha Baucau no Manatuto no sei organiza eventu entre eskola sira kona-ba siénsia, téknolojia, enjeneria, arte, no mátematika.

Kursu sira-ne’e agora disponovel iha Plataforma Microsoft’s Learning Passport platform, Eskola ba Uma plataforma. 

Ba informasaun liutan, kontaktu:

Embaxada Amerika:
Ofisiais Asuntu Públiku Embaixada EUA Dili Tim Johnson iha, 7719 3389.  

Rukshan Ratnam, Espesialista Komunikasaun, UNICEF Timor-Leste (Inglés). Iha: +670-7723 1103 Email:  

Antonio Gomes, Ofisiais Komunikasaun, UNICEF Timor-Leste (Tetun)
Iha: +670-7723 2441 Email:  

Media contacts

Tapuwa Loreen Mutseyekwa
Advocacy and Communication Specialist
UNICEF Timor-Leste
Tel: +67077231103
Tel: +670 331 1297, Extension: 1820
Antonio Gomes
Communication Officer (Tetum)
UNICEF Timor-Leste
Tel: +670 7723 2441
Tel: +670 331 1300, Extension: 1821


UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

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