18 January 2021

Children, not soldiers

Some nightmares have once been a reality., Children used by armed forces and armed groups have lived through what only happens in adult’s worst nightmares. The ‘ When I close my eyes ’ video series below shows the importance of social workers and families for children recovering from traumatic experiences., Meet Josephine Bakhita, one of the social workers crucial to UNICEF’s reintegration programme., I love to support them just like my own children. – Josephine Bakhita Through the UNICEF supported reintegration programme for children associated with armed forces and armed groups, children are provided with a dedicated social worker for a duration of three years. This is essential for the success of the programme and in particular children's…, Sadly, the stories of child soldiers are numerous., But so are their calls for peace. “Young people who survive war have an amazing ability to persevere and become the champions for peace that are so needed, despite the horrors they have been through. I know from experience that all that pain, that unimaginable suffering, and that sense of loss of humanity, can all be refocused towards something…, Resources, Thanks to our donors, UNICEF South Sudan is especially thankful for support to the reintegration programme from USAID, The EU and ECHO, the US special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan, and the National Committees for UNICEF in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France Norway and Spain