Immunization Week 2024
- Srpski
- English
On the eve of the European and World Immunisation weeks, we are here together to send a clear message – immunization is Humanly possible. Before vaccines were developed, the world was a dangerous place to live. Millions of people died every year from diseases that can now be prevented.
In just 5 decades we’ve gone from a world where the death of at least one child was something every parent expected, to a world where every child has a chance.
But this is true only IF the child is vaccinated.
What is the cost of inaction: In just three months of 2024, our ECA region has already reported more than 40,000 cases of measles, with some of them resulting in fatalities. If we do not act urgently, the toll on lives will escalate.
Serbia is gradually approaching the desired vaccination rate. But it is concerning that not every child is getting the protection he or she needs. There are 3 important steps that we should take together:
1. We must confront misinformation with clear and strong arguments and ensure that every parent gets timely and comprehensive information about immunization.
2. We need to make vaccination even easier, ensuring that it is available whenever parents are free, and their child is healthy. With simple steps like addressing barriers to scheduling vaccinations and reducing missed opportunities, we can increase vaccination rates. And we already saw good examples of that.
3. We need to ensure that every frontline healthcare provider is equipped with knowledge, confidence, and skills to engage in non-judgmental conversations with parents about vaccines. Particularly paediatricians who are the most trusted source of information for parents. Because parents have the right to ask questions and to receive answers. This can empower them to make informed choices.
UNICEF has worked with Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health, to strengthen immunization programming in more than 60% of the most affected districts with the lowest immunization coverage. We have invested in the professional development of 340 health professionals, equipping them with advanced knowledge and communication skills.
Our mobile application, Bebbo, provides evidence-based information for parents and helps them in tracking their children’s vaccinations. It has over 100,000 users in Serbia. And we are about to launch a new immunization chatbot called AIDA, which will provide easily accessible information on vaccinations to digitally savvy parents.
As you see – immunization is Humanly possible.
And I invite all stakeholders – health authorities, our good partners from WHO, UNICEF, the media, and community leaders - to join forces and intensify our efforts in promoting immunization.
Kontakti za medije.
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