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21 November 2020
Kids take over the radio for World Children’s Day!
KIGALI, RWANDA – As the sun crept over the horizon and Kigali began to stir, Rebecca and Divin were already wide awake and adjusting their headphones inside the studio. Celebrating World Children’s Day, when kids around the world take the stage to speak out for their rights, 15-year-old Rebecca and 16-year-old Div...
20 November 2020
On World Children's Day, a special message to kids from UNICEF's Representative in Rwanda
To all children and young people in Rwanda, let me begin by wishing you a happy World Children’s Day. This is one of my favourite days of the year. It is a global day of action, for children and by children. It is a special day when UNICEF, young people, and our partners celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Convention on the Rights of…
25 November 2019
Young people speak out at TEDxKids@Nyarugenge
KIGALI, Rwanda – Imagine a day where brilliant children and youth speak out, sharing mind-blowing conversations. This is TEDx – local gatherings where live speakers, performers and innovators talk to an organized audience and to virtual followers across the world. Enshrined by the Convention on the Rights of the C...
Video essay
25 November 2019
Kids takeovers, National Children's Summit - it's World Children's Day 2019 in Rwanda!
Every year, UNICEF celebrates World Children's Day on November 20th, marking the day when world leaders signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention is an important agreement, where countries promise to protect children's rights. This year was extra special, marking 30 years since the Convent...
Press release
20 November 2019
Government of Rwanda and UNICEF hold 13th National Children’s Summit to celebrate 30 years of child rights
KIGALI, Rwanda – This year on World Children’s Day, the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion and the National Commission for Children, in partnership with UNICEF, convene the 13 th National Children’s Summit. The National Children’s Summit is a consultative forum bringing together child delegates from all admin...
01 September 2019
For the first time in his life, David stood up
RUTSIRO, Rwanda – It was almost like the emerald green of their tiny knit sweaters was carefully chosen to match the sprawling tea plantations around the day care centre. Exuberant and impatient, the children bounce up and down, eager for their morning milk box, distributed each day to promote healthy growth. With...
23 April 2019
Situation of children in Rwanda
The people of Rwanda are young. About 5.7 million out of its estimated 13.2 million people are under 18 years old. Over the past 20 years, Rwanda has achieved significant development progress and aims to reach middle-income status by 2035. It was also one of the few countries to achieve all of the Millennium Devel...
22 April 2019
About UNICEF in Rwanda
We strive to leave no child behind., For more than 30 years, UNICEF has been a key advocate for the realisation of children's rights in Rwanda. We focus on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children to make sure they are given the best chance for a healthy life, a childhood of fulfillment, and protection from ...
12 February 2019
The unmatched joy of fatherhood
RULINDO, Rwanda - Jean de Dieu Uwizeye cherishes his two-year-old daughter, Anita. Each morning, Jean brings Anita to a UNICEF-supported early childhood development centre on the tea plantation where he works. While Jean works on the plantation, Anita plays with other children under the supervision of trained care...
01 February 2019
UNICEF Rwanda country profile
UNICEF began its development work in Rwanda in 1986. After the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, UNICEF's assistance focused on emergency, recovery, and small-scale projects. In 2007-2008, UNICEF's work in Rwanda shifted to larger scale projects and national policy support to key government priority areas. The 201...
09 November 2017
Children's Rights and Business Principles (CRBP)
The UNICEF children’s rights and business agenda promotes corporate responsibility to respect and support children’s rights in the work place, market place and community in conjunction with the government duty to protect and safeguard children’s rights. There are ten principles in the Children's Rights and Busin...
Press release
29 August 2017
UNICEF Rwanda partners with the National Agricultural Export Development Board
KIGALI, Rwanda – Representatives from the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) and UNICEF Rwanda met today to sign an important partnership agreement. The new partnership between NAEB and UNICEF will emphasize the importance of children’s rights in business practices, particularly in the tea indus...