Rising to the Challenge

Youth Perspectives on Climate Change and Education in Sri Lanka




The report showcases experiences and perceptions of young people in Sri Lanka related to climate change impacts on their education, on climate change learning and their needs to become effective and confident agents of change.

Key findings are  described below:

  • 34% of respondents in Sri Lanka reported that they could explain climate change.
  • 83% of respondents in Sri Lanka reported that they were at least a little worried about the future effects of climate change.
  • 61% of respondents in Sri Lanka believed that governments should take the most action, followed by children and young people (19%) and businesses (16%).
  • 62% of respondents stated that their education or studies was affected by climate change, from impacting journey to school (16%) and families ability to afford schooling (8%).
  • 96% stated that they were keen to act to address climate change if they were given the necessary support.
Reis Lopez Rello, Climate Change Adviser, UNICEF ROSA & Jim Ackers, Education Adviser, UNICEF ROSA
Publication date