03 June 2021

Children thrive in inclusive schools

Alexandra is a 10th grade student at the "Vasile Alecsandri" National College in Bacău. Although the school was opened in September and October 2020, this academic year she preferred to study from home for safety reasons. She is afraid of the virus which messed up everyone's life. Her needs are slightly different from those of her colleagues. She…, Some labels are harder to peel off, Alexandra started school a little later, when it was considered she was ready for that. Some experiences turned out to be friendlier than others. ‘At the very start, from the first to the fourth grade, everything was normal. But, little by little, from the fifth to the eighth grade, it was less ok ", said Alexandra with some kind of reconciliation…, Supported talent could be the best job ever, Alexandra's efforts bear fruit and her mother plans carefully for the future. She wants to see her daughter as an independent adult, with a secured job. She participated with great interest in all the 10 sessions of the online parenting education course organized within the "Together for the future" program. "It reminded me of some important…, But who knows what other passions she will discover along the way?, Her teachers from the college pay very much attention to all her skills and involve her in different kinds of activities and competitions, in order to stimulate her to develop her potential as much as possible. Even though her mother believes that ‘in order to reach maximum performance Alexandra must be her with herself’, the positive experience…