Financial Resource Allocation for Child Health in the Romanian Healthcare System

Efficient allocation of different types of resources for the primary, secondary and tertiary care is crucial for adequate child health and development in Romania,


Efficient allocation of different types of resources for the primary, secondary and tertiary care is crucial for adequate child health and development in Romania. Child health has direct impact both on current social costs and the future of society.

This research was conducted in March-October 2021 by the Public Health Department of Babeș-Bolyai University, in collaboration with UNICEF in Romania, with a view to explore resource allocation for child and adolescent health at primary, secondary and tertiary care levels. The main objective of this research is to capture and describe an overview of resource allocation and spending for the health of children under 18 and of resource distribution at primary, secondary and tertiary care levels.

Alocarea resurselor financiare pentru sănătatea copilului în sistemul de sănătate din România
Carina Daiana Țînțaș, Monica Georgiana Brînzac, Mihai Negrea, Ioana Negrea, Francesca Csutak, Marius-Ionuț Ungureanu
Publication date
Romanian, English