What is air pollution and how to protect your family from it
Air pollution is one of the greatest threats to children’s health. The latest regional report Breathless beginnings shows that in major cities across Europe and Central Asia air pollution regularly exceeds levels considered safe by WHO, making it the leading environmental health risk for children across the region...

The quest for clean air in North Macedonia
“Many of the green initiatives are tokenistic and they don’t work,” says 19-year-old Desanka, an environmental activist in Skopje, North Macedonia. Desanka has been working with other young people on a petition to the government, calling for higher fines for factories that do not take adequate protection measures ...

Press release
1 in 9 infant deaths in North Macedonia linked to air pollution
Skopje, 10 September 2024 – In the lead up to International Day of Clean Air, UNICEF in Europe and Central Asia released a new policy brief highlighting that more than 5,480 infants in 23 countries and territories across Europe and Central Asia died from causes linked to air pollution in 2021. In North Macedonia, ...

Parental Guide for a Very Hot Summer
Parental Guide, Climate Change and Children, Human activity and the emission of the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have already left a visible trace on our planet’s climate. The average temperature has risen by around 1.1 °C in the last 100 years, and each of the last four decades had been successively warm...

Heat wave safety tips
Heat waves are anything but fun in the sun. Extreme heat and humidity can be extremely uncomfortable and pose serious health risks, especially for infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly. Without taking the proper precautions, extreme heat can lead to heat stroke and even worse, fatality. As a result of ...

Press release
Rising heat across Europe and Central Asia kills nearly 400 children a year - UNICEF
GENEVA, 24 July 2024 – Rising temperatures across Europe and Central Asia killed an estimated 377 children in 2021 – according to a new analysis of data from 23 countries published today by UNICEF. Beat the heat: child health amid heatwaves in Europe and Central Asia finds that half of these children died from hea...

Alternative energy sources are the future
When someone gets a good idea, no matter how innovative and interesting it is, it often happens that there are not enough funds and support to make it real. Petar, Marija, Leonid, Teodora and Elena, got the opportunity that many dream of - to come up with an idea and get the support and guidance to achieve it. T...

Press release
Young eco-innovators awarded seed funds to make water-solutions a reality
Skopje, 18 April 2022: At a design thinking workshop 5 (five) teams of 13-19-year-old young people were granted each 120,000 denars to realize their innovative solution to improve and protect water resources in their communities and adapt to the effects of climate change. The innovators were selected as part of th...

Press release
New survey shows society is concerned about climate change and its impact on children
SKOPJE, 1 March 2022: A new survey on the general public’s knowledge, attitudes and practices on climate change and the environment shows that most citizens (73%) are concerned about climate change and its negative impact on the quality of life of children. The findings indicate that air pollution is the biggest ...

Knowledge, attitudes and practices study on climate change and the environment (teachers)
This survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP Survey), mainly focusing on teachers and educators employed in state educational institutions, gauges this respondent group’s general knowledge with regard to climate change, including the understanding and associations of the term itself, and the impact clima...

Knowledge, attitudes and practices study on climate change and the environment (general public)
The study measures the general knowledge of the citizens of North Macedonia related to climate change, including the understanding and associations of the term itself, but also the effect that climate change has on society. It also measures the attitudes to climate change, especially the level of concern about the...

Press release
North Macedonia makes global pledge to uphold climate priorities identified by children and youth
Skopje, 23 December 2021: President Stevo Pendarovski signed the Intergovernmental Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action today as part of the Open Cabinet activity. North Macedonia is the first country from UNICEF programme countries in Europe and Central Asia region to sign the Declaration. By signing...