Building Community Resilience in Niger

Moving forward despite adversity. An overview of the Niger 2019-2023 initiative

UNICEF Niger/2021/Dejongh


The “Building Resilience in the Sahel” initiative for Niger supports the 2019-2021 Country Programme coordinated by the Ministry of Community Development and Land Management.

The approach to resilience in Niger is based on building the capacity of local authorities around decentralization efforts and integrated community-based approaches that bring together nutrition, protection, WASH, education and health services which are delivered in a sustainable manner.

Interventions strengthen local capacities to deliver and manage quality services and effect behavior change based on positive social norms.

The initiative takes a multi-sectoral, multi-year approach to strengthen resilience of systems and communities with 2 targeted key outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Children and women in targeted areas have achieved sustainable progress in their living conditions by using essential services that are accessible in a sustainable manner.
  • Outcome 2: Communities are equipped and empowered to prevent the effects of shocks and stresses on systems, households, and individuals, and to manage residual risks.


The targeted municipalities are:

  • Maradi: Mayahi, Guidan Amoumoune, Kornaka
  • Zinder: Kantché, Yaouri, Kolleram, Gaffati
  • Tahoua: Bagaraoua, Tabalak


Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the initiative is aimed at 901,753 vulnerable and shock-prone inhabitants, including 538,441 children

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