Safer and resilient education

Institutionalization of Comprehensive School Safety

Two children playing
UNICEF Nepal/2023/RUpadhayay


Nepal's susceptibility to various hazards, particularly during the monsoon season, has emphasized the need for disaster-resistant infrastructure and preparedness measures in schools. UNICEF has played a pivotal role in advocating for and implementing the Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) Master Plan, working closely with the Ministry of Education and development partners. These efforts have resulted in the implementation of CSS protocols in numerous schools and the enhancement of disaster management capacities for children and educators across various provinces in Nepal.

This brief details lessons learned in the process, such as the need to align the CSS framework with updated global standards, increased investment in expanding coverage, and foster government ownership. It also lists the plans going forward, including further integrating CSS into local education plans, raising awareness among students and communities, and updating the CSSMP to incorporate climate change adaptation measures.

cover of css brief
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