03 December 2024

UNICEF and the Netherlands provide inclusive toilets for students with disabilities

Murrupula, Nampula - The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), through funds from the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, supported with the construction of seven (7) inclusive toilets in the Murrupula Primary School, in Nampula province. "Before, the students only used two toilets (for girls and boys...
17 January 2024

Cross-cutting approaches

The following cross-cutting priorities have relevance across UNICEF’s Country Programme in Mozambique: Early Childhood Development, Adolescent Programming, Innovation, Gender and Disability, and Climate. UNICEF pursues a holistic approach, ensuring integration of these priorities within programming in the country....
15 March 2023

Addressing the needs of children with disabilities affected by emergencies in Mozambique

Mozambique - In humanitarian interventions, the needs of children with disabilities are often overlooked. Previous years’ cyclones and other natural disasters, and ongoing conflict in northern Mozambique have displaced 1 million people, 50 per cent of them children. Already overwhelmed schools and healthcare facil...
25 October 2022

Cyclone recovery brings civil society and local government together to build inclusive society

Beira, Mozambique - Cyclone Idai destroyed many homes in Beira. People were left with no shelter, no water or electricity. Fatima, an older woman with a disability, says she was lucky that a lady carried her on her back to evacuate her. Cyclone Idai destroyed many homes in Beira. People were left with no shelter, ...
25 October 2022

Cyclone recovery brings civil society and local government together to build inclusive society

Beira, Mozambique - Albertina is one of the children who benefitted from the UNICEF-supported community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programme. Albertina is a 13-year-old girl with multiple disabilities. She lives with her mother and siblings. Her father has left the family to find work. In an environment with no pa...
17 September 2022

UNICEF and UN CERF help children with disabilities during emergency response in Cabo Delgado

Cabo Delgado, Mozambique - Thousands of children and families were forced to flee their homes in Cabo Delgado because of violence. This resulted in many displaced children and people living in accommodation centres and in need of urgent support. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), with the support of the ...
10 January 2022

Children with disability: Araújo João story

Nhamatanda, Sofala - A stroke is something that affects most often adult people, causing paralysis in a part of the body and leading to death in more severe cases. But what is not widely known is that a stroke can also happen to children, from pregnancy, in the first days after birth, or later during childhood and...
10 January 2022

Children's Fortnight: The story of Lucas Francisco

Bándua, SOFALA - "It was a very sad and difficult time. When he was 7 years old, my son went out to play and hunt birds with his friends, but he was bitten by a snake and bled a lot. When he arrived at the hospital in Búzi village, he was transferred to Beira, where they had to amputate his foot below the knee," s...
10 December 2021

Community-based rehabilitation of children with disabilities a wonderful solution in Cabo Delgado

Metuge, Cabo Delgado - When 5-year old Rita walked into the front yard of her home in Metuge, Cabo Delgado, on a hot summer day, her hair braided in the local fashion, her glance alert exploring the visitors, I didn’t think she was the girl with a disability that we had come to visit. Disability is not always vis...
26 June 2020

Aid out of Reach: untold stories from people with disabilities

The cyclone and its impact made global headlines. The NGO community reacted fast. More than 400 organisations and 1,000 aid workers were rapidly deployed to the affected areas of Mozambique. But what happened next remains untold. In partnership with UNICEF, and with financial support from the Government of Norway...
26 June 2020

Getting aid to people with disabilities in times of crisis

When the storm hit, it was terrible but not unexpected. Cyclone Idai struck Mozambique on March 15, 2019, ripping through homes and tearing up farmland. Thousands died or were injured. Millions were made homeless. It was devastating for those who survived, but for survivors with disabilities, it was a catastrophe....
28 March 2018

I can go to school now

Ilídio was born in a country where opportunities for children with disabilities are very limited. For a long time, he stayed at home with his mom, or all by himself. But now he goes to school. He has friends to play with. He is learning how to write, and can even speak two languages. Ilídio dreams of driving a car...