Children's Rights Arabic Glossary

Children participate in activities at the Foundation Orient Occident, Oujda. Morocco


Universally ratified by Arab States, the  Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) remains the global gold standard for societies and communities to uphold the rights of every child, everywhere, and every time. It provides a clear framework of accountabilities for Governments, communities, families, the private sector and media towards the realization of child rights.
While in most cases, instances of violations and the implementation of the key principles of the CRC -such as the need to get the views of the child, and the best interests of the child- leave little room for interpretation,  in some more challenging instances, the delivery of accountabilities requires to get to a common understanding of situations, the extent to which they undermine the fulfillment of rights, and the best corrective actions needed to protect the best interests of the child.

It is with this in mind, and responding to a call from the League of Arab States, that UNICEF has supported the translation into Arabic of key terminology to help national authorities, advocates, civil society, lawyers, media, communities and families promote children’s rights in line with the CRC fundamental principles and articles, and anchor the CRC into their national policies, legislation and practices.

Accessible online to all, UNICEF views this glossary, which was originally published by UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre in 2000, as a contribution to the protection and promotion of children’s rights in the Arab region. We will welcome feedback and suggestions to continue to improve the Glossary to ensure that it provides the clarifications practitioners might need as they turn the CRC into practice.

Adele Khodr
Regional Director
UNICEF in the Middle East and North Africa

CRC Glossary cover
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC)/UNICEF MENARO