08 May 2024

Impact evaluation of the ‘Haddi’ programme

Lebanon has experienced serious national, eco-nomic and social challenges in the last few years. Political instability and macroeconomic challenges have been compounded by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, an explosion at the port of Beirut in August 2020, spiraling hyperinflation, and declining employment opp...
08 March 2024

The National Social Protection Strategy for Lebanon - Fact Sheets

The Lebanese government has officially launched its National Social Protection Strategy. This strategy is the result of extensive efforts initiated in 2019 by Lebanon’s Inter-Ministerial Committee on Social Policy, led by the Ministry of Social Affairs, with funding from the European Union and the Government of th...
26 April 2023

The Ministry of Social Affairs introduces a social protection programme for people with disabilities in Lebanon

26 April 2023 ­– Lebanon’s Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA), in partnership with the European Union (EU), UNICEF and the International Labour Organization (ILO), launched the country’s National Disability Allowance (NDA). The allowance is a social grant that will provide a direct income support to persons with di...
03 November 2021

The Haddi Programme

​​​According to the sector plan for social protection , the UN position paper on social protection , and the forthcoming National Social Protection Strategy, an urgent priority for Lebanon is the rapid expansion of social assistance both through poverty-targeted programmes as well as through Social Grants for hous...
26 May 2021

Delivering on the urgent need for a national social assistance system

During the worst economic crisis Lebanon has experienced in decades, leading to rapidly rising vulnerability and exacerbating inequality, there is an urgent need to develop the national social protection system. Recent analysis and strategy documents have highlighted the important challenges and weaknesses that th...
17 May 2021

Towards a Social Protection Floor for Lebanon

Lebanon is facing a detrimental and multifaceted crisis that threatens to undermine its political, economic, financial, fiscal, and social stability. The country – its people and the Government – is at a critical juncture in which key decisions around the (re)construction of core institutions will determine the su...
07 December 2020

Hurtling toward a precipice: with no parachute attached

Oped, December 2020, By Yukie Mokuo (Representative UNICEF Lebanon), Ruba Jaradat (ILO Regional Director) Following the culmination of multiple crises for Lebanon over the last year, one would be forgiven for thinking that yet another crisis could simply not be possible. But in an unknown number of weeks’ time, pr...
25 February 2019

UNICEF Lebanon and Generation Unlimited - empowering a young generation to feed the hungry

Mahmoud and Hussein from Nabatieh For these two twenty-four-year olds from Nabatieh, the world around them exhibits an all-too-often hungry face. Mahmoud and Hussein, from Lebanon’s southern city of Nabatieh, are among the more fortunate of their generation – they’re educated, they have supportive families, they l...