Rapid Gender Analysis

Situation of Displaced Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Lebanon

Taj, 12 years old is participating in a Psychosocial support activity conducted by UNICEF’s partner at a public school around Beirut


UNICEF Lebanon coordinated a rapid gender analysis in the South, Beirut, and Mount Lebanon from mid-October to early November 2024 to shed light on the situation of displaced Lebanese and non-Lebanese girls and young women aged between 11 to 24 residing in shelters and outside of shelters, following the escalation of conflict on September 23rd, 2024. Data was collected by Terre des Hommes (TDH) Lausanne and Fe-Male.

The report outlines feedback from girls and young women on their access to shelters, protection and privacy concerns, access to basic services, impacts on care work, relationships with family and communities, mental health and knowledge about GBV and PSEA reporting mechanisms. Based on these findings, recommendations to sectors are included at the end of the report.

Rapid Gender Analysis: Situation of Displaced Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Lebanon
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